Monday, June 4, 2012

When is the individual accountable for their bad behavior?


scumbag So.... at what point is the individual responsible for their own circumstances? At what point is it ok to hold a person accountable  for their actions?

For example; if a woman gets knocked up by a guy she has only known for two weeks, knowing that neither of them have jobs and that he has four babies by three other women, why should anyone else have to be a part of their equation in the form of being taxed to death to support the woman and child?

At what point do we say, YOU screwed up, not me? And at what point do we stop rewarding woman who drop babies like candy from a pez dispenser with welfare checks, WIC, free housing, free medical care, free daycare and free everything else when they clearly chose not to take advantage of free birth control?

And why do so many CONTINUE to support the behavior and entitlements that have rendered a large number of blacks as underclass citizens and in need of  government assistance (generational) for the last 60-70 years (by design… by democrats).

Let’s take the “gentleman” that has fathered THIRTY kids… if these children will end up being financial burdens on the state (taxpayers), why shouldn’t the state also have the right to sterilize men (or women) like him after the fifth kid? Tenth kid? Twentieth kid?  Why are men AND women simply allowed to procreate irresponsibly and then expect taxpayers to support their children.  When is enough really enough? Why do these people get to behave badly without consequences for their actions?!!

Shouldn’t there be some deterrents in place for this incredibly poor behavior and reckless regard for the welfare of the children they are producing? What are we waiting for… a 100 percent illegitimacy rate for blacks? We are already at 72 percent.  Do we let the white illegitimacy rate get to 72% before we say…. ummmm…. perhaps we should do something?

And for the foolish…. abortion is not the answer. That solution makes the individual even more callous and despicable.  Just throwing this in here because I know some mentally crippled person will use abortion as an argument for this issue.

Women:  have more respect for yourself. My goodness… how does a woman CHOOSE to be the third or fourth woman or even the THIRTIETH woman to “spread ‘en”  for a worthless seed dropper?  Take charge and create your own life circumstances by WAITING for a man that is willing to make you his wife instead of  a semen receptacle.  There is NOTHING cute about this behavior! 

And many of the fifty percent of citizens who pay taxes to support the non  tax payers that are guilty of this bad behavior (they usually end up paying no taxes, but get fat tax refunds)  are broke too. They can no longer afford to carry you…. and are just plain tired of you.